RGA is excited to begin summer in a fun, safe environment!
To keep our camps safe and more enjoyable, we are limiting registration to seven campers per session. Campers will receive three hours of instruction Monday through Thursday (9am-12pm) with focus on putting, short game, full swing, course management and etiquette. We have modified our instruction and games with social distancing as our priority. Camps are open to golfers of all levels ages 6-14.
For camp dates and registration information, please select a location.
Junior Golf Camps at Bull Run Golf Club (Haymarket, VA)
July 13 thru July 16 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 3 thru August 6 at 9:00AM
August 10 thru August 13 at 9:00AM
Junior Golf Camps at Raspberry Falls Golf and Hunt Club (Leesburg, VA)
July 6 thru July 9 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
July 13 thru July 16 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
July 27 thru July 30 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 3 thru August 6 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 10 thru August 13 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 24 thru August 27 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 31 thru September 3 at 9:00AM new session added
Junior Golf Camps at Virginia Golf Center (Clifton, VA)
July 13 thru July 16 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
July 20 thru July 23 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
July 27 thru July 30 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 10 thru August 13 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 17 thru August 20 at 9:00AM (fully booked)
August 24 thru August 27 at 9:00AM new session added
August 31 thru September 3 at 9:00AM new session added
Weekly Session Price: $275
If you have any questions please feel free to contact John Miller, PGA at 571.269.3011 or email at jmiller@raspberrygolfacademy.com.